Monday, July 24, 2006

NHS - thinking like Toyota

"Chief Executives of NHS Trusts vowed yesterday to adopt the techniques of Tesco and Toyota to save lives and reduce costs by introducing the principle of "lean" management pioneered by successful companies. By eliminating unnecessary processes, the NHS could speed a patient's progress from A&E to the operating theatre.......

The approach was tested in Bolton hospitals, where mortality rates were cut by at least a third after services were redesigned around the needs of patients instead of the convenience of staff.

(Guardian 15th June 2006)


Anonymous said...

Superbug cases at hospital soar by nearly half
By Jane Lavender
THE number of people infected with a potentially deadly superbug at the Royal Bolton Hospital has gone up by nearly half.

Rates of Clostridium Difficile, which can cause severe diarrhoea and is especially dangerous to the elderly, have increased from 208 in 2004 to 297 last year, according to Government statistics.

And the number of people infected with MRSA, which is an infection in the blood, has also gone up from 17 between April and September last year, to 19 between October, 2005, and March this year. From April to September, 2004, there were just 14 cases.

Anonymous said...

17, 19, 14? Surely that's just variation.

Nigel Clements said...

Dear anonymous
What is the source of the article by Jane Lavender? It would be interesting to look further at a longer time series for the various infections.

Anonymous said...

Threat of strike at cuts hospital
By Jane Lavender

UNION bosses at the Royal Bolton Hospital say they are prepared to hold a ballot on industrial action in a bid to protect patient services.

Senior UNISON members say they are horrified at plans for £8 million worth of cuts at the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Like Toyota? They're having a laugh.