Monday, July 24, 2006

Call centre technology - steam driven

I was watching an agent in a call centre of a mobile phone company. Lots of technology to help - information screens, agent script, extensive intranet, and so on. In a lull between call rushes, she switched to screening emails. Each email is assigned to a different "business stream", each of which have differing Service Level Agreements for responding to email. Her first action was to identify the Business Stream: then refer to a fairly dog-eared piece of paper sellotaped to her workstation, being a list of the "due by" number of days in which a response is promised; then she referred to her desk calendar and counted forward 10, 15, or 20 days according to the Business Stream and entered that date alongside the email on her screen; then she would allocate the email to the appropriate team for response.

No value added there then!

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