Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Leaner - A380 or Dreamliner?

I see the A380 Airbus is claiming to be greener by transporting huge numbers of people (up to 800) between airport hubs, and people making "spoke" onward journeys by smaller aircraft or other modes. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is smaller 290 passengers, but it is claiming better green credentials in terms of litres of fuel useage per 100 passenger km, and also that it will fly people direct to the local airport, rather than the hub and spoke.

The "which is greener" debate will continue, but which is leaner? The A380 is effectively batching people and incurring waste at the hub airports (Boeing estimates that between 30% and 50% of all traffic at hub airports is just passing through, and adding to the already congested operation at such places) - whereas the Dreamliner model sees fewer delays as people travel directly to a point much closer to their ultimate destination.

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