Friday, January 06, 2006

Toyota - they must be doing something right

Toyota, so often held up as the very epitome of World Class organisations, must be doing something right. The Times 4th Jan 2006 reports that Toyota recently announced production forecasts that would push the company past General Motors to become the biggest car maker in the world.

And it's not only Toyota - Nissan and Honda have also achieved years of record profits.

And their success spreads through the supply chain. The same article says that there is a £3billion expansion drive to solidify the position of Japan's steelmakers ahead of Russia to be the world's greatest exporter of steel. In fact, Japan exports more than the US, Britain, China, and South Korea put together already.

Over the years, the fortunes of the Japanese steelmakers have ridden high on the success of the Japanese car industry. The Times says that the big steelmakers will be directing their big expansion plans towards Nagoya, the city where Toyota is based.

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