Friday, June 03, 2005

Confessions of a parking attendant

BBC NEWS Magazine Confessions of a parking attendant: "Right from the classroom, the importance of PAs bringing in high numbers of tickets was stressed. For the new trainees to pass probation, their ticket issuing levels had to be at 1.65 per hour, which is about 10 every day.
I never reached that level and so failed my probation and got a verbal warning. Within the base there were 'leader boards' which listed all the tickets that each PA was getting.
We were divided into teams so if you were bringing back few tickets, like me, you were made to feel bad for letting the team down. Each ticket was �100, so a lot of money is being made by people parking illegally. "

A story of Parking attendants facing pressure to reach arbitrary targets to survive, stress levels ratcheted up with league tables and low wages. They find ways to cheat to give the illusion of achieving more tickets than was actually the case. And what is the purpose of the Parking Attendants? Is it to maximise revenue? Or is it to keep the streets free and flowing? And how does that drive behaviour?

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